Natural Philosophers

Preparation and Rules


Preparation for New Members' Party:


The Party for new members is NOT a required event. Anyone may join the club without attending the party.


1. Sign up with Valerie for Calendar date.


2. Obtain from Valerie the trip permission slips.


3. Sign up adult, non-student drivers and chaperones.


4. Prepare for The Boom a detailed description of activities. There must be nothing embarrassing, or intimidating.


5. All activities are group activities. No individual events.


For example:

Meet at school for rides. NO activities at school. Students without signed permissions slips and written 1-minute speeches will be sent home!

Unload at Tower 1 and march to the Crews' Quarters.

Each new member will read his one-minute speech. No harassing will be allowed!


Groups may compete in games or singing.


New members will enter the Castle and the Catacombs.


From the Catacombs they will go to the Chapel Royal to be Dubbed official members.


Rides back to school after refreshments are consumed.


The Rules:

1. Meet at school for rides:

2. There will be adult, non-student drivers only!

3. There will be NO events occurring at school!

... No reciting of oaths, etc.

... No hazing, harassing, nor embarrassing.

4. Perspective members without

... Permission slips signed by parents,

... A written one-minute scientific speech,

......Will be sent home. They may not come to the party!


At Boomeria:

1. There will be NO hazing, harassing, nor embarrassing of prospective members at any time!

2. Activities will be group activities. Individuals are NOT to be singled out for special treatment.

3. These rules are to be in effect at all times otherwise the party will be immediately canceled!


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